Germany admitted more than 22 thousand Afghans after withdrawal from country

Germany admitted more than 22 thousand Afghans after withdrawal from country

Data are available from 18 NATO member states, none of which has resettled as many Afghans as the great power that has declared itself an immigrant country.

English NAGYVILÁG POLITIKA 2022. JÚNIUS 18. 11:07

Ten months after the end of the NATO mission in Afghanistan, Germany has received 22,580 people from Afghanistan, the German newspaper Junge Freiheit reports, citing official documents. The article adds that the admission procedure has not yet been completed, meaning that the number of people resettled from Afghanistan could easily increase. The report obtained by Junge Freiheit includes 17 other NATO member states and shows that no other country has taken in as many people as Germany. In fact, all other countries together have resettled a total of 15,635 people from Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, the German government continues to grant asylum and then citizenship to the highest possible number of migrants. V4NA earlier reported that 20 per cent more foreigners were naturalised in Germany in 2021 than in the previous year. Around 131,600 foreigners were granted German citizenship last year, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Most of them came from Syria, with a large number of people also arriving from Turkey, Armenia and Romania.

The government does this despite the fact that the number of crimes committed by migrants in Germany has constantly been on the rise since 2015. The migrants’ list of crimes includes theft, robbery, anti-Semitic attacks, rape and murder. A total of 677 gang rapes were registered in Germany in 2021 alone, and only 462 suspects were identified. This is more than double the 300 cases recorded in 2018. In addition, almost one in two suspects of gang rape are not citizens of Germany.

Life for Jews in Germany has also changed significantly since 2015, when hundreds of thousands of migrants from the Islamic cultural area arrived in Germany.

„The Muslims’ hatred of Jews is the greatest threat to Jewish life in Germany. There are comparatively far fewer violent right-wing extremists, but there are masses of Muslims who are not afraid to physically attack Jews wearing kippahs and are totally uninhibited in their hatred of Jews,”

Jewish activist Malca Goldstein-Wolf said. A report by the Berlin Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office shows that 661 prosecutions for anti-Semitic crimes were opened in 2021, a huge increase from 417 cases in 2020. But the number of anti-Semitic attacks have not only increased in the capital, the problem is nationwide. Last year, there were a total of 3,028 attacks on Jewish people, an average of 8 incidents per day, and some of those were fatal.

Even in the days after his election, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made no secret of his vision. He said that „Germany is an immigrant country and it is high time that it saw itself as an ‘immigration and integration society.'” His programme stated that „the path to German citizenship should be made easier for migrants, as this would create the opportunity for full political participation and better integration.”

Since then, the federal government has introduced a series of measures spending taxpayers’ money on providing for migrants who are not working. Unemployed migrants in many cases receive benefits in a sum equalling the salary earned by working German people. „There are currently 900,000 illegal migrants in Germany, supported by taxpayers, and another 9 billion euros will be distributed abroad this year alone,” opposition politician Dr Gottfried Curio said. He sarcastically remarked in a German parliament session that the government is probably doing so much to help migrants in a bid to warm people’s hearts, so that they would not be concerned about the lack of heating next winter.



afganisthan, asylum seeker, germany